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At SportsMed NQ we offer a range of classes to help with your specific injuries or conditions. 

Osteoporosis Fall Prevention Class

Have you been diagnosed with osteoporosis, have low bone mineral density or difficulties with balance? Or are you just looking for preventative exercises? We recommend joining our Osteoporosis Fall Prevention class. The class is facilitated by accredited exercise physiologists as a semi-supervised class. They are held for 60 minutes and consist of:

  • Progressive resistance and fun impact loading exercises
  • Activities to help support falls prevention and confidence through balance skills

Call for your initial pre-screening assessment and program set-up.

Movewell for Breast Cancer Care Class

This class is a clinic based and semi-supervised class aimed to maintain and improve your quality of life. Our aim is to get you fully functioning before, during and/or following treatment for breast cancer. Hydrotherapy classes are available for those medically suitable. An initial assessment followed by a tailored program set-up session with our accredited exercise physiologist is required. Typically exercises include:

  • Aerobic fitness
  • Muscular/strength and endurance
  • Posture
  • Balance and range of movement

You will receive guidance and support for lifestyle and behaviour modification, goal setting, links to community support groups and home exercises. A GP referral is recommended during active treatment. 

PD Warrior (Parkinson’s Disease Class)

It is all about re-wiring the brain to send signals to the muscles to improve movement patterns. You may find you are slower at walking, feel off balance, struggle to coordinate properly or struggle to complete tasks around the house. With the correct exercises we can help to improve these movements, improve your balance, walking confidence.

It is a circuit class, the exercises are big and powerful however you are in a safe setting with other people who are experiencing the same or similar symptoms

An initial assessment/appointment is required with our Exercise Physiologist prior to commencing class. 

Ideally a 10 – 12 week program at least, with the option to continue as quality of life management. Participants are all provided with a 10 week challenge booklet to keep track of their home exercises and challenge tasks over the course of the program.


For more information with regards to hydrotherapy, please click  here

At SportsMed NQ we accept referrals for classes from Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Workcover, NDIS and third party insurance.

No referrals required for private paying clients. Private health rebates may apply. 

Hydrotherapy & Gym-Based Group Class Timetable

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
7:00am   Junior S&C
8:00am   Osteo

9:00am  Low Intensity Movewell

9:30am PD Warriors
Low Intensity 
12:00pm  Activ8Me
2:00pm Mixed Intensity
4:00pm  Osteo
5:30pm Antenatal + Hydrolates
6:30pm High Intensity

Private Health Rebates Available

Bayswater Rd Clinic

2 Park Lane,

Hyde Park

Ph: 07 4771 3650

Email Hyde Park

Core Movement NQ

144 Ross River Road,


Ph: 07 4725 2662

Email Core Movement NQ

Fulham Road Clinic

Level 1/50 Fulham Road,

Pimlico QLD 4812

Ph: 07 4728 2279

Email Fulham Road